like this one, specialy angles of video camera, keep it up, and less dancing more simple interaction :P
attaboy (Wednesday, April 16, 2014)
Thank you for the feedback.
webmaster (Wednesday, April 16, 2014)
why don't can see more free pictures of this great party?
Steven (Monday, May 5, 2014)
@ Steven
We have more then 32 free pictures for each party. We consider to be enough to please the fans who cannot buy the parties, this is why we don't post more
webmaster (Monday, May 5, 2014)
Wat een heerlijke geile bezigheid om jezelf heer nat te besproeien zodat je kleding veel te zien laat. Dames ik geniet van jullie
We have more then 32 free pictures for each party. We consider to be enough to please the fans who cannot buy the parties, this is why we don't post more